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Jacksonville Residents Filing Bankruptcy Due to Medical Debt

One of the most common reasons for filing a bankruptcy is due to illness or other medical problem. In fact, according to the Census Bureau, one in six Americans lives without health insurance.

Most of us live on the edge in the current economic climate. According to Census data the average American cardholder carries about $5,100 in revolving debt at any one time. All it takes is one accident or illness and we’re behind on our bills. Then the credit card companies increase interest rates and it quickly becomes impossible to get back on our feet.

Declaring bankruptcy is not an easy decision, but sometimes it’s the only thing that can get life back on track. Medical debts incurred for reasonable health and welfare can almost always be discharged in a bankruptcy and as long as you’re well enough to return to work, your life can start getting back to normal.

If you’re overwhelmed with debts due to a medical condition, contact a Jacksonville Bankruptcy Attorney or call us at (904) 685-1200 for a free consultation.

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